Boost Your Sales:
Open your store to buyers from around the globe!
Sell your coins on the leading marketplace for numismatic collectors
Well-to-do buyers from around the world
Safe and transparent payment processing - also available internationally
No risk, monthly cancellation possible
Seller Packages
Do you sell a few, hundreds, or thousands of coins? We offer a package to fit your needs.

These prices are vaild starting January 2018.
- Prices do not include sales tax or VAT, where applicable
- Cancellations are possible at any time with 14 days notice to the end of the month
- Prices are per month
- Upgrade/downgrade possible at any time
Become A Seller
Become a Coin World Marketplace dealer and take your sales numbers to the next level

Buyers From Around the Globe
Every day coin enthusiasts use our site to search for the perfect coin.

International Payment Processing
Our Escrow Checkout service makes international transactions a breeze. You receive your money safely and on time, no matter where the buyer is located.

No Contract Term
We're certain that using Coin World Marketplace will significantly boost your sales - and if not, you can cancel anytime.

Personal Support
Our service team is available to help via email or phone.

Easy & Simple
Import the coins you want to sell directly from your inventory management system.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I register as a commercial dealer?
- What are the pricing models for sellers?
- How to secure the preferred package and what advantages does it offer?
- How do I list my items?
You can register as a commercial dealer on Coin World Marketplace in only a few steps:
- Enter personal information
- Store payment details (credit card, PayPal, or bank information)
- Submit verification documents
- Certificate of registration in the commercial register or business registration
- Proof of address in the form of a phone bill, electricity bill, etc.
Coin World Marketplace offers different packages for different needs. The packages differ (among other things) in the number of items offered. The pricing models also affect the positioning in the search results list and the Featured offers on the Coin World Marketplace homepage. You can either pay monthly or for a year in advance. Click here to find all the details.
We provide the preferred package exclusively to Authorized Dealers or Trusted Sellers who have been registered and/or advertise with Coin World Marketplace for at least one year. Click here to find the conditions for receiving the Authorized Dealer or Trusted Seller status and the seal. The preferred package offers several advantages. It increases the visibility of your items on the homepage and in the search result list, and allows you to post more images. All your items will also be marked with the Preferred Seller icon. In the results list, your top items will be labelled with (insert image) on the image. In the “These coins might also interest you” area on the offer page, prospective buyers will be shown exclusively your coin listing ads. You also benefit from ad-free offers, since no advertising from other dealers will appear beside your offers.
You can either post your coins manually, import using a CSV file or integrate your website using the Marketplace API. You can create your offers manually in the dealer area. Just fill in the new items form. Our questionnaire quickly guides you through a complete description of your coins. You can publish up to 4 images for each offer, depending on your prepaid package.