1874 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Repunched Date?, Possibly Unlisted
1874 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Repunched Date?, Possibly Unlisted 1874 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Repunched Date?, Possibly Unlisted 1874 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Repunched Date?, Possibly Unlisted 1874 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Repunched Date?, Possibly Unlisted

The Obverse an original orange-Brown color showing considerable remaining planchet color around the edge.  The Reverse is a pleasing even chocolate Brown, typical of coins that spent many years in a Whitman-style holder.  I believe this may be a Repunched date, as the 4 definitely shows a 'nub' sticking out at the bottom left serif - this can just be seen in my enlarged image (not great I know but the best I could come up with).  Similar to Snow-3, from the same Broken D hub and sharing a number of visible die lumps with that variety, however this is a different die.  The Obverse die was long in the tooth and shows signs of possibly having been pulled out of the vault at years-end to complete production.  Aside from the die lumps, there is signs of corrosion at the 'LI' of LIBERTY, as shown in the enlarged image of the area.  Priced just as a nice looking coin that I think might be worth a shot at CAC; you can decide if the variety is worth any premium to you. 

1874 Indian Cent, PCGS/CAC MS-63BN, Repunched Date?, Possibly Unlisted

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Listing Id:CWMP019578287
Grade: MS 63
Additional Info: PCGS 2118.63/36350582
Year: 1874
Mint: United States Mint

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Country Flag United States Of America
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